Actual address
79013, m. Lviv, vul. Bandery, 91
Legal address
79014, m. Lviv, vul. Muchna, 6, k. 4

Products, services

Photo — DOBRYJ SHOFER LVIV, DRIVING COURSES Courses on training and advanced training of drivers of vehicles of category ”B”
(cars - maximum weight up to 3500 kg and number of seats 9, including the driver).

In parallel, two study groups are engaged in theoretical classes according to the following schedule:
- one group - Monday and Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:15;
- the second group - Tuesday and Thursday from 18:00 to 20:15;
Weekend group: saturday from 10:00 to 14:00.

Training period up to 2.5 months.

Training cars:
Opel Astra, Honda - Civic, Renault - Logan, Deu - Lanos, Deu - Sense, Deu - Mathis.

Company information

Its staff LLC Dobryj Shofer - Lviv” picked up from experienced specialists. Average experience - 17 years.

Information for trainees drivers:
The audience Driving can be citizens of Ukraine who have no medical contraindications for this, are not below average education and how at the end of the course will be more than 18 years. Students need to make 4 photos for driving licenses (3,5h4,5 cm).

The courses drivers must provide the following documents:
- medical certificate;
- 4 s photos (3,5h4,5 cm);
- receipt of tuition fees;
- second standard copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
- a copy of the individual card - taxpayer (identification code);
- a copy of the first page of the passport (if available).

Bad cars do not - there are bad owners!
We will make you Dobryj Shofer!

Activities of KVED


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About company

Code EGRPOU39473398
Senyshyn Andrij Volodymyrovych — director
Number of employees8 чел.
Registration date04.11.2014
Update date15.12.2023

Work schedule

18:00 — 20:15
18:00 — 20:15
18:00 — 20:15
18:00 — 20:15
10:00 — 14:00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «DOBRYJ SHOFER-LVIV, LTD» assigned a code 39473398.

Head of the company «DOBRYJ SHOFER-LVIV, LTD» is Senyshyn Andrij Volodymyrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «DOBRYJ SHOFER-LVIV, LTD» — m. Lviv, vul. Muchna, 6, k. 4.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «DOBRYJ SHOFER-LVIV, LTD» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
79013, m. Lviv, vul. Bandery, 91
Legal address
79014, m. Lviv, vul. Muchna, 6, k. 4
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