Legal nameCFM, TOV
Actual address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamyanets-Podilskyj, vul. Dragomanova, 14А
Legal address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Drahomanova, 14a

Products, services

Photo — TSENTR SIMEJNOI MEDYTSYNY A multidisciplinary polyclinic with a modern accredited clinical and diagnostic laboratory. Treatment and diagnosis of diseases. Consultation of doctors. Phytotherapy. Hirudotherapy.

The following types of diagnostics are performed in our center:
- bioresonance study;
- colposcopy;
- laboratory studies;
- ultrasound;
- cystoscopy.

We are happy to provide you with qualified consultations of the following doctors:
- family doctor;
- ENT;
- allergist;
- gynecologist;
- hirudotherapist;
- homeopath;
- endocrinologist;
- cardiologist;
- neuropathologist;
- pediatrician;
- phytotherapist;
- urologist;
- mammologist;
- a dentist.

- hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches);
- mud treatment;
- doctor’s consultations;
- jar massage;
- radio wave therapy using the ”Surgitron” device;
- phytotherapy (treatment with phytocompositions).

Company information

Everyone knows well that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. However, few people are engaged in health prevention, and it is necessary to treat it carefully in order to prevent serious diseases. Some dangerous diseases are easier to treat if they are detected at an early stage.

CENTRMED® or ”Family Medicine Center” is a multidisciplinary polyclinic with a modern accredited clinical and diagnostic laboratory. We employ laboratory technicians who own and use modern technologies, which, in combination with Austrian and Swiss equipment, guarantees high reliability and specificity of research.

In our center, visitors can make a diagnosis of the body, undergo a full course of treatment and receive a doctor’s consultation: gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, allergist, pediatric neurologist, hirudotherapist, phytotherapist.

We pay special attention to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. In this matter, close cooperation has been established with the Bukovyna Center of Reproductive Medicine, which consults monthly at the ”Center of Family Medicine” and conducts the selection of candidates for artificial insemination methods and gynecological laparoscopic operations.

We cooperate with the Khmelnytskyi Oncology Dispensary. Every month, a mammological surgeon receives patients in our center for diagnosis, treatment of mastopathy and preventive examinations for the detection of oncological diseases of the mammary glands.

We guarantee quick receipt of the result by e-mail.

Take care of yourself and be healthy together with ”Family Medicine Center”.

Marketing information

Trade marks
Центрмед® (Україна)

Activities of KVED


medical center kamianets-podilskyi, doctor’s consultation in kamianets-podilskyi, uzi kamianets-podilskyi, hirudotherapy to sign up, phytotherapy registration, folk medicine kamianets-podilskyi, treatment in kamianets-podilskyi, uzi during pregnancy, diseases thyroid gland, treatment of leeches, phytotherapy cost, treatment of gallstones, abdominal pain, chlomidiosis, influenza, toxoplasmosis, take a blood test, treatment of dysplasia, erosion of the cervix, thyroid disease, treatment of the thyroid gland, erosion of the uterus, gynecology kamianets-podilskyi, make an appointment with a doctor, dentist services, treatment with phytocompositions, radio wave therapy cost, appointment to a family doctor, cardiologist, ent, mammologist, doctor’s consultation, bioresonance examination, colposcopy price, cystoscopy cost, multidisciplinary polyclinic kamianets-podilskyi
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU35281003
Grigorenko Kostiantin Grigorovich — director
Year of foundation
Number of employees7 чел.
Registration date10.09.2007
Update date21.02.2024

Work schedule

08:00 — 18:00
08:00 — 18:00
08:00 — 18:00
08:00 — 18:00
08:00 — 18:00
08:00 — 18:00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «CFM, TOV» assigned a code 35281003.

Head of the company «CFM, TOV» is Grigorenko Kostiantin Grigorovich, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «CFM, TOV» — Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Drahomanova, 14a.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «CFM, TOV» official site: https://www.centrmed.com/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal nameCFM, TOV
Actual address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamyanets-Podilskyj, vul. Dragomanova, 14А
Legal address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Drahomanova, 14a
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