Actual address
01001, Kyiv city, 44b Khreshchatyk Str., office 306
Legal address
01001, m. Kyiv, vul. Khreshchatyk, 44b, of. 306

Products, services

Written and oral translation from and to various world languages (more than 60 languages). Translation of texts of various themes, such as technical, legal, medical, publicistic, fiction translation, translation of standard documents. Notary certification. Certification with translation agency seal. Apostilizing and legalization of documents in Ukraine, preparing and translation of police clearances. Web-site translation. Simultaneous and consecutive translation. Attendance of translator to any cyti of Ukraine. Provision of equipment for oral translation. Texts page proofing and editind.

Company information

Translation World Inc. is a leading translation agency in Kyiv city. We translate from/into more than 50 languages; provide translations of any complexity and on different topics. Main directions of texts that we translate are law, finance, pharmaceuticals/medicine, technical translations, personal documents, fiction, scripts, books, articles, and more. In addition, notarized translations of any language are available.

Translation is a very complicated process. There is a misconception that words should be translated only individually, but each language is alive and meanings of certain words in the dictionary can be very different from what they actually express in a certain context. If you want to get a holistic, clear, competent and harmonious translation, you should contact our agency. Our translators are specialists of various fields of knowledge. We can trust translations only to double-graduates, meaning that for a translation, for example, of a text about law requires a specialist with legal and philological education. Each translation is very special, because it is necessary to understand not only particular expressions, but also melodiousness of the language, use of specific words in everyday life, methods of presentation, and more. Usually, we choose specialists who were abroad for some time and worked there in their field. This allows them to perform better and present translations that are more accurate. Your text in our hands will always be translated clearly and understandably.


Translation agency, translation, translator, text translation, web-site translation, technical translation, legal translation, apositlle, legalization, notary certification.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU3032601004
Fisunova Olha Vitaliivna — Director
Year of foundation
Number of employees5 чел.
Update date15.05.2017

Work schedule

09:00 — 19:00
09:00 — 19:00
09:00 — 19:00
09:00 — 19:00
09:00 — 19:00
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Actual address
01001, Kyiv city, 44b Khreshchatyk Str., office 306
Legal address
01001, m. Kyiv, vul. Khreshchatyk, 44b, of. 306
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