Legal nameFOP
Actual address
g. Kiyev, ul. Kreshchatik, 23
Legal address
01001, m. Kyiv, vul. Khreshchatyk, 23

Products, services

We produce the following types of goods and spare parts for industry, machine tool building and machine building:
- OV-31MP vibration mounts of various modifications (hairpins M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M22, M24, M27 and M30);
- Different-sized cable channels (cable layers, cable chains, cable boxes for CNC - in working volume 120x25, 60x25, 25x25, 25x20, 8x8; in outer size - 140x35, 80x35, 40x35, 40x30, 14x10,5; we also produce individual large cable channel than 140 (for 120));
- Vibro-support machine, industrial type OV-20, OV-30, OV-31, OV-31M, OV-70 GB Pro;
- Vibration mounts for a specific series of equipment, machine tools such as IL, TV, 1K, 16K, DIP, etc.
- Industrial thrust bearings, supports and stands;
- Parts for conveyors and elevators - scrapers, rollers;
- Vibroflexes and vibration mounts Vibroflex GB Pro for air conditioners, fans, refrigerators, units, generators, boilers, pumps and compressors;

Details for HBO of our production:
- dispensers (one, two adjustments), power registers, adapters, - connectors, - antifreeze tees (plastic and aluminum), angles (antifreeze angles), covers for TOMASETTO and LOVATO anti-roll bar, twists and bumper inserts, parts for methane installations, filter etc.

Весь текстовий, медійний, технічний, графічний, а також будь-який інший контент, який розміщений на сайті, та який відноситься до діяльності Компанія ”GB TRADE” (ГБ ТРЕЙД) був створений, розміщений та використовується Кошовим Романом, та належить виключно Кошовому Роману, і тільки ця особа (Кошовий Роман) має право розпоряджатися ним за власним бажанням та розсудом.

Company information

The GB TRADE company has been producing and operating in the market of industrial parts and spare parts for mechanical engineering, as well as gas cylinder products since 2000. We have twelve departments that each work on a separate topic: vibration supports, cable ducts, gas cylinder installations 1,2,4, 4+ generations, metal spare parts, plastic spare parts, industrial goods, goods for buses and trucks, etc.
In addition, GB TRADE has its own laboratory for research, testing and testing of various materials and composites used in the production of parts and spare parts.
We also have our own CALL CENTER with a variable composition from 50 to 200 people - for our own needs (advertising, communication with clients, searching for new clients, etc.) and for providing similar and special services (market acquisition, statistics collection) to other companies.
Warehouses and branches of GB TRADE are located throughout Ukraine.

We manufacture and manufacture the entire range of our products and spare parts ourselves - at our own factories - and accordingly we operate a design bureau (for designing forms), our own fleet of metalworking equipment (for creating forms of any complexity), and thermoplastic automatic machines for the production of parts; For production, we use exclusively German raw materials, as well as various modern special composites and special materials that have passed comprehensive laboratory tests. Accordingly, we provide similar services to other companies interested in these services.

We produce the following types of goods and spare parts for industry, machine tool and mechanical engineering:
- vibration supports OV-31MP of various modifications (studs M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M22, M24, M27 and M30);
- different-sized cable channels (cable layers, cable chains, cable boxes for CNC - by working volume 120x25, 60x25, 25x25, 25x20, 8x8; by external size - 140x35, 80x35, 4 individual cable channels of larger sizes than 140 (for 120));
- machine vibration support, industrial type OV-20, OV-30, OV-31, OV-31m, OV-70GB Pro;
- vibration supports for a certain series of equipment, machines such as IZH, TV, 1K, 16K, DIP, etc.;
- industrial bearings, supports and stands;
- parts for conveyors and elevators - scrapers, rollers;
- vibration isolators and vibration supports Vibroflex GB Pro for air conditioners, fans, refrigeration machines, units, generators, boilers, pumps and compressors;

Parts for gas equipment of our production:
- dispensers (one, two adjustments), power registers, adapters; - connectors; , filter, etc.

The design, original design and materials used in production of our products (vibration supports, cable channels, spare parts, etc.), patented by GB TRADE (GB TRADE) and protected by Patent Rights and Copyright Laws of Ukraine, the European Union, the Customs Union and other countries of the world.

Branches and representations

In Kharkov, Lviv, Chernihiv, and Odessa.

Main organization


Marketing information

Trade marks
GB TRADE (Украина)
GB TRADE (Италия)
GB TRADE (Германия)
Export countriesБелоруссия, Молдова, Румыния, Польша, Венгрия, Россия, Турция, Италия, Германия
Import countriesБелоруссия, Молдова, Румыния, Польша, Венгрия, Россия, Турция, Италия, Германия
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU2579405333
Khomenko Oleksandr Anatoliiovich — виконавчий Директор
Year of foundation
Number of employees200 чел.
Registration date06.07.2017
Update date17.01.2024

Work schedule

00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
00:00 — 24:00
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Legal nameFOP
Actual address
g. Kiyev, ul. Kreshchatik, 23
Legal address
01001, m. Kyiv, vul. Khreshchatyk, 23
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