Legal address
13352, Zhytomyrska obl., Berdychivskyi r-n, s. Velyki Nyzhirtsi, vul. Litseina, 1
Postal address
13304, Zhytomyrska obl., m. Berdychiv-4, vul. Litsejna, 1

Products, services

In this place you can learn on the job: - The tractor driver-machinist; - The mechanic on repair of agricultural machinery; - Driver of motor vehicles; - Farmer 6-th digit; Plodonosit; - The seller of food products; Chef; - Waiter; - Confectioner; - Baker; The computer operator; - Office worker.

Company information

Berdichevsky higher vocational College is the educational state institution, is included in the system of education that ensures the acquisition of professional knowledge and mastery of working professions. Its main task is the training of qualified workers and the education of socially active members of society, providing young citizens the opportunity to complete secondary education, increase their intellectual level and professional skills.

Activities of KVED

Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU02543503
Polishchuk Tetiana Petrivna
Registration date01.01.2000
Update date30.08.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «BERDYCHIVSKE VYSHCHE PROFESIYNE UCHYLYSHCHE, DERZHAVNYY NAVCHALNYY ZAKLAD» assigned a code 02543503.

Head of the company «BERDYCHIVSKE VYSHCHE PROFESIYNE UCHYLYSHCHE, DERZHAVNYY NAVCHALNYY ZAKLAD» is Polishchuk Tetiana Petrivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «BERDYCHIVSKE VYSHCHE PROFESIYNE UCHYLYSHCHE, DERZHAVNYY NAVCHALNYY ZAKLAD» — Zhytomyrska obl., Berdychivskyi r-n, s. Velyki Nyzhirtsi, vul. Litseina, 1.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «BERDYCHIVSKE VYSHCHE PROFESIYNE UCHYLYSHCHE, DERZHAVNYY NAVCHALNYY ZAKLAD» official site:
Legal address
13352, Zhytomyrska obl., Berdychivskyi r-n, s. Velyki Nyzhirtsi, vul. Litseina, 1
Postal address
13304, Zhytomyrska obl., m. Berdychiv-4, vul. Litsejna, 1
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