
Legal address
65104, m. Odesa, prosp. Hlushko, 16, k. 54
Actual address
65031, m. Odesa, vul. Promyslova (N. Borovskogo)37/4
Postal address
65104, UKRAINE, Odessa, Pr. Ak. Glushko bl. 16, app. 54
Maiorova Larysa Volodymyrivna

Products, services

Supply, commissioning, maintenance of CNC machines and their komplektuyuschih.Kapremont and upgrading of heavy, complex, high-precision metal-working machinery (lathes, turning, boring, milling, coordinate boring, drilling, plane, circular, drum-grinding,), including CNC machines and machining centers.

Company information

The firm MALEKS is open to good cooperation with engineering companies, share experiences on the modernization of metal
the equipment. Our official website
   The company was formed in MALEKS 1996 specialists from several machine-tool plant in Odessa, virtually stopped because of the economic crisis.
       The company has two main areas of work: first - a repair and modernization of machine tools, the second - the supply of machine tools and accessories for machine tools with CNC.
    The firm specializes in MALEKS modernization, repair, restore, heavy and unique tools and metalworking CNC machines and machining centers.
    For several years we have worked with customers outside of Ukraine. In the markets of Europe, Asia and America, fierce competition and high standards for quality products. In my experience, we were finally convinced of the need to work equally well on the export and domestic market.
    The firm has experience MALEKS repair machines: lathe, turning, boring, boring, jig boring, machining centers, radial drilling, flat and circular grinding, gear hobbing, gear shaping, universal milling machines, prodolnofrezernyh, ogranochnyh, crank presses, etc.
    The company employs highly skilled professionals, have their own manufacturing and warehouse space. We produce grinding guide housings up to 6m. The workshops allow the company to place and collect the machines up to 8-10m.
    We make the replacement ball screw transmission of any length. Restore the rails with a polymeric material produced in Germany. We apply modern methods of electric automation and electrical installation.
    The rule of our company: the incoming machine is disassembled, cleaned, is determined by the availability and serviceability of parts, and only then compiled a final plan of repair. Components and parts are tested and painted before being sent to the assembly machine. Since 2001, we have largely abandoned the use of electric automation and materials from old stocks of state-owned enterprises. Cheap, long-term storage, equipment does not ensure the reliability of the machine.
    The quality of machine tools - is the main concern of the firm’s management MALEKS. Never, under any circumstances, reduce the demands on the quality of work performed. This attitude has become the norm for the workforce. The company introduced a personal responsibility for the work performed. Neither machine is not shipped to the Customer without the required inspections and tests. We offer a guarantee on all our machines, regardless of whether you specify it in the contract customer.
    The main criteria for the customer - this is the price and quality, but no less important and even time of delivery, and availability of corporate services, and engineering support, and real after-sales service. The firm provides MALEKS all forms of customer support in Ukraine.
   Today the market offers a lot of CNC systems from various companies. We offer most of our customers CNC company NCT ​​(Hungary), to the best quality-price ratio and 90% applicable to the types of machines. Prices of products of NCT does not exceed the price of Russian counterparts, and the quality meets European standards. CNC devices of NCT allocated for its ease of use, reliability and ease of installation.
Company MALEKS is the exclusive representative of NCT Kft. in Ukraine and has the right to represent, sell, repair, and give a guarantee on its products.
    Customers who already have a large fleet of machines with CNC SIEMENS or FANUC, we set these CNC system.
    For the purpose of modernization of machine tools, presses and procuring equipment we have used programmable controllers.

Main organization

Firma ”Maleks”

Marketing information

Trade marks
NCT (комплекты управления станками с ЧПУ) (Венгрия)
HPB (серводвигатели подачь, шпиндельные двигатели, частотные преобразователи)) (Тайвань)
PRAISETOOLS (тяжелые вальцешлифовальные станки) (Тайвань)
Import countriesВенгрия, Тайвань, Россия, Литва, Латвия, Корея, Индия, Чехия, Словения

Activities of KVED


верстат з чпк, токарний, фрезерний, повздовжно-фрезерний, вальце шліфовальний, Precizika Metrology, Givi Missure, Goratu, Lagun, железнодорожные Системы Danobat, PRAISETOOLS, FEMCO, KAFO, FLAIR, Redex Andantex
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU23857080
Year of foundation
Number of employees9 чел.
Registration date02.02.1996
Update date15.05.2023

Work schedule

09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «MALEKS, FIRMA, PP» assigned a code 23857080.

Head of the company «MALEKS, FIRMA, PP» is Maiorova Larysa Volodymyrivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «MALEKS, FIRMA, PP» — m. Odesa, prosp. Hlushko, 16, k. 54.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «MALEKS, FIRMA, PP» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
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